What should I buy?

23 November 2010  |  Admin

Compatible or Originals?

Now this is a question I am sure alot of people have asked themselves. Attention grabbed by the massive savings compatibles offer, had worries planted by the original manufacturers stressing the horrible things that will happen if you use them!! Just what is the answer?

Well, there is pros and cons for both choices.

The reason compatibles exist on the market is because the consumer wants a cheaper alternative to the original. If the originals were priced reasonably, would compatibles exist? Of course not. Quite often, buying a set of cartridges will cost more than the price you paid for the printer! A recent report showed that printer ink is more expensive than champagne!! But are compatibles always the answer? There are certainly a lot of good products on the market, but there are also some real stinkers! The answer is to find a supplier who is knowledgeable in the industry and is happy to answer all your questions. Remember,any supplier confident in their products will offer you a 100% money back guarantee and protect your printer.

As for originals... the manufacturers spend a lot of time and money developing their inks and toner to work to their maximum performance. Of this there is no doubt. If you are comfortable with your spend on printer cartridges than originals are for you. The colours can be sharper, but the question is does that justify paying up to 80% more for the cartridge?

The simple answer is.....

It all comes down to personal choice. YesCartridges.co.uk stocks a huge range of both compatible and original cartridges at extremely competitive prices. We offer 100% money back guarantees, protect your printer and can offer you free advice at any time.

Contact us on 08456 435 866 or at sales@yescartridges.co.uk to receive a no-obligation quote and let us make you savings and answer the questions for you.
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1 Comment31 January 2022

Our compatible Epson 603XL inks are now available and offer you terrific savings against the originals.

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Please see when you should expect to receive your orders placed over the Christmas period..

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Customer Reviews

samsung printer cartridge
08 March 2016  |  Nasir

Quick delivery of compatible cartridge seems to work ok and as good as the original cartridge

Returning customer
23 February 2016  |  Brian

These Cartridge's have been performing in fine form The printer notes they are foreign to its norm but just gets on with doing a good job.

22 February 2016  |  Denise

Great value.
Great price.

22 February 2016  |  Pam

Fantastic value always great service

The usual great service
11 February 2016  |  John

I have been using Yes Cartridges for a number of years and have found the delivery and the product first class. I have informed many people of the advantage gained!

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